Saturday, February 9, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
This Saturday we had another great day filled with reading, writing, and games. Because we had 13 volunteers who wanted to spend the day with us, we were able to run three separate literacy workshops AND run games all day for the children who were not involved.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
After a brief hiatus, Creativity Boost is back!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Friday 5th, October, 2012 was the official opening of the Kigali Public Library which was officially opened by the first lady of Rwanda Janet KAGAME. A reading week was organized, with the participation of authors, publishers, writers and books shops who took that opportunity to exhibit their products. The KPL is the first public library to open in the great lakes region, and Rwanda, a country with low reading and writing culture, welcomed the Rotary initiative and is proud to host it.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
International Literacy Day was celebrated on September 7. Out of 450 applicants, USAID awarded grants to thirty two winners for its “All Children Reading” Global Competition, aiming to recognize innovative projects to advance reading and literacy. Drakkar Ltd, from Rwanda was one of the winners!

The Project Innovation
Monday, July 23, 2012
Last week the initiative Rwanda Reads was launched at a big event at Kigali Institute of Education. The initiative is a 4-year MINEDUC campaign with the aim of spreading a culture of reading in Rwanda.
Several organizations are involved in the initiative, all organizations involved in reading and Drakkar has of course joined in as well. The idea is that over the next four years these organizations will take progress in spreading a culture of reading in the Rwandan community.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Drakkar volunteers have done it again! They have given children a creative boost. This time the Creativity Boost took place at the Rwanda Orphanage Project (ROP) in Kanombe. Around 100 boys live at the orphanage, which also has a catch up school attached to it.
The boys folded paper airplanes finding out which of three different kinds would fly the best. They also played “Trust your Friend”, a game where you need to trust a friend to the extent that you dare to fall backwards into his arms.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Last Saturday a group of five Drakkar Creativity Boost volunteers went to Horizon Primary School to do a Creativity Boost. For those who this is their first time to hear the term Creativity Boost, it is an event done by Drakkar, where volunteers visit a school and do creative games and exercises with the children.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday the 20th of February, Drakkar held its first Children’s Corner. 25 students from the primary school St. Ignace visited the Drakkar office and bookstore to read, listen, and expand their knowledge about and interest in books.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, St Ignace Primary Scool in Kigali celebrated their final year students because they performed well at the national examination. For the first time, St Ignace is on the top 10 list of schools with the highest marks at the national examination.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Saturday Drakkar Creativity Boost went to Kinunga primary school in Gikondo, where they had a creative morning with the students from primary 6. The Boost included trust-games, story-reading and singing.
Monday, January 23, 2012
On Saturday the 21st of January, teachers from 11 private schools in Kigali gathered at the International School of Kigali to receive a training on how to use the Pearson books to improve their teaching and make it more interactive.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Yesterday Drakkar hosted an event where the young Rwandan author Pacifique Mahirwe presented his story and his two books. Drakkar held this event because we believe that one way to spread a culture of reading in Rwanda is by promoting Rwandan authors.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The last teacher training of 2011 was a great success. 93 teachers were trained, which is the highest number we have had so far.
The feedback from the teachers was positive. Among other things, they learned how to use the Pearson teacher’s guides and they wish the same for their colleagues, as one teacher said: ‘All teachers must gain training in order to improve our knowledge in using teacher’s guides’.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
December the 9th a group of five from the Drakkar Creativity Boost movement went to Gahanga Orphanage to have a creative and fun afternoon with the children and indeed we had.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
On Thursday 17 November, an event for Rwandan students took place at Drakkar’s new office. It was organized by a team of five students who were participating in the ‘REAL Entrepreneurial Mindset Training’ where young people learn how to become sucessfull entrepreneurs.

Monday, October 24, 2011

On Saturday 22 October, Drakkar launched its new initiative " Drakkar Creativity Boost" together with 50 primary students (5th grade) of la Berceuse school in Kicukiru, Kigali. Throughout the morning Drakkar staff and volunteers engaged the students to be creative and had great fun by doing games, songs and exercises together.
Monday, October 10, 2011

On Saturday 8 October, Pearson and Drakkar conducted the very first teacher training for primary teachers. The training took place in the district Rubavu, where 10 schools were selected to participate in the workshops. 72 teachers were present and experienced an interactive day where they learned about games, teaching methods and exercises based on the Pearson books.
Saturday, August 13, 2011

On Thursday Agust 11, Pearson's official launch took place in hotel des Mille Colline in Kigali. Pearson is one of the leading educational publishers worldwide and the event celebrated new and existing partnerships in Rwanda.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
On Saturday 4 June, Drakkar invited the headteachers of ten public schools throughout the country for a lunch at restaurant Karibu in Kigali. The lunch was offered to thank the headmasters of the schools for their commitment and confidence in using Pearson school books provided and distributed by Drakkar. The schools received a Certificate of Appreciation.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The end of March 2011 Drakkar Ltd started with the distribution of primary and secondary school books. 2,965 Public schools throughout the country are receiving brand new books and readers. Drakkar is one of the major distributors and took up this challenging exercise by reaching out to 30 districts in all 5 provinces in Rwanda.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Drakkar Ltd is proud to present you our new online catalogue, featuring all the primary and secondary text books that Drakkar has to offer. Soon, all books for tertiary education that we have on offer will also be added. Via the online catalogue on our website, interested customers can browse through our product range and inquire for additional information with just one mouse-click.